The Best Way To Prevent Cavities
With all that is going on in the world, you may be thinking, “What are the best ways to maintain my health, including my dental health?” While it’s well known that keeping a consistent dental hygiene regimen of daily flossing and brushing, cutting back on sugary foods is also a great way to help prevent cavities. Read on to find out more ways to keep your teeth healthy.
- Diet: You can protect your teeth from external harm by avoiding habits like constant snacking, chewing hard or sticky foods, and using your teeth as a tool to open or break objects. But teeth also must be taken care of from the inside out, which is why it’s important to keep a teeth-friendly diet. To maintain strong teeth, consume calcium-rich foods like low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, almonds, and leafy greens. You should also include foods that contain phosphorus, which can be found in eggs, fish, nuts, and beans. For healthy gums, get your vitamin C intake from foods like spinach, citrus, broccoli, and potatoes.
- Fluoride: An effective topical treatment that can help protect your teeth, (and it’s not just for children), fluoride contributes to the remineralization process and strengthening of tooth enamel, and slows down the activity of harmful bacteria. It can be obtained through: fluoridated toothpaste or water, mouthwashes, or dietary supplements. Talk to your dentist about when and how to get a fluoride “touch up” on your teeth to help avoid tooth decay.
- Sealants: These are thin coats of resin, composite, and other materials that are placed over the surface of teeth to prevent bacteria from sticking to its fissures and pits.
Now that you know more about cavities, our hope is that you will be able to better avoid them. Remember, prevention starts from the inside out with a good diet that creates a balanced bacterial environment in your mouth. Also, shield your teeth with external agents and good oral hygiene to support the efforts of your natural defense mechanisms.
We look forward to seeing you again, and in the meantime, stay healthy!